Wednesday, June 12, 2019


The night changes to day, the day turns into night
The moon blooms fully, and then disappears entirely
The tides rise in the ocean, and then the waves recede
The plants first flower, and then autumn sets in
The cub turns a tiger, the tiger goes back to the earth
People also arrive, exist and then depart
Nothing stays, nothing goes on forever
Everything changes, this will also change...

About Me

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I believe happiness and bliss is the birthright of every individual. I believe that God is like an ocean and man is like a drop in the ocean, both have the same properties and one is just another. I do not recognize a God who punishes, who is different from me. All things - good or bad - yes, even the bad ones start in God and end in God. I dont believe in the start or end of time. I believe I am the frame of reference, the refered and the act of refering.
Creative Commons License
This work by Shreyans Mehta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License